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Energetic Healing

Every living thing on earth has a form of energy flowing through it. There are many different ways this energy impacts each organism. For humans, the energy, when it’s flowing properly, keeps the body, mind and spirit in alignment. And the result is a happier and healthier existence.

When things start to misalign, the body can start showing signs of stress, weakness and it may start to create disease. The mind too, can suffer ill effects from poor energetic flow. Anxiety, depression, paranoia or self-destructive thoughts can manifest and grow if the energy continues to have blockages. When things are misaligned even our spirit suffers.

Balancing your energy can give you resilience when you are stressed, vitality when you are drained, and happiness when you are down.

Finding the right fit for realigning one’s energy can be an arduous journey for many. This website will hopefully help to clarify the methods and practices I’ve found to be helpful.

My specialty is a particular self brand of energy medicine– It is best described as a combination of ancient Chinese and East Indian modalities that are systemized via energy kinesiology. 

Energy Work Services

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