Certification Certification
Dear Dr Sara
What if Intuition Fails? Dear Dr. Sara, I recently had a client that came to my office because she just feels sick. Nothing specific. Her medical doctor cannot find anything wrong with her. I got an intuitional hit and told her what I thought was going on and gave her some things to do. It […]
Is there scientific research to support energy medicine claims? Dear Dr. Sara, I have to give a presentation, to my advisor at the hospital I work at, on the energy medicine classes I have been taking. I know she is going to want to know if there is any research to support the claims that […]
What is Holistic Medicine? Dear Dr. Sara, Can you tell me what you mean by Holistic Medicine? What is it? Signed, Curious & Confused Holistic healing is defined in this way by Wikipedia: Holistic health is a concept in medical practice upholding that all aspects of people’s needs, psychological, physical and social should be taken into […]
The Energy of Money Dear Dr. Sara, My partner I attended your post class workshop ‘Money Matters’ at Eden Energy Medicine School in London last year. We have been using your approach, but expanding it to work on things that we feel are limiting the development of our EEM practices, and we would appreciate your […]
Vertigo… oh my Dear Dr. Sara, I have a broken heart… I am so sad and so lonely… can I do something for myself to ease this? It feels unbearable. Signed, Heartache Extraordinaire Dear Extraordinaire, Oh my… such a loaded issue and one that is near and dear to my own healing heart. I […]
Anxiety and the Adrenals Dear Dr. Sara, I attended your class on Anxiety and the Adrenals in San Diego at the IGEEM conference in September 2012. I really loved your descriptions of the Blood Brain Barrier and how stress hormones impact the hypothalamus. The Basket Weave technique, outlined in your handouts is awesome, but I […]
Vertigo… oh my Dear Dr. Sara, I woke up 5 days ago with wild vertigo. I could hardly walk and actually had to crawl to the bathroom for fear of falling. Is there something I can do to help ease the dizziness? Signed,Spinning in Sarasota Dear Spinning, Oh my that is really an awful […]