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Rooting The Spirit

Rooting the Spirit: Spirit and Ghost Points – Full Course (6 hrs)

Highly recommended as part 2 of Earth Heals Everything or can be taken as a Stand Alone course.

“I had a client that suffered terribly from depression and anxiety. She had been hospitalized multiple times, medicated into comas, checked for brain tumors. She had had a vagal nerve implant surgically embedded in her chest. And, of course, she spent years and years in talk therapy. The pain was immobilizing. Her thoughts were excruciating, intrusive and terrifying.

She made some very good improvements with Energy Medicine treatments. She felt that the EM sessions were the only thing that ever really made an impact. However, she did not find any deep and lasting relief – just fleeting moments of “ok-ness”. These moments of lightness or “ok-ness” felt to her “like a cruel tease”. She felt like she was not able to “keep the gift of healing” she would experience in those moment. She said she always had to “give the healing back.”

An excerpt from the handouts:

“I had a client that suffered terribly from depression and anxiety. She had been hospitalized multiple times, medicated into comas, checked for brain tumors. She had had a vagal nerve implant surgically embedded in her chest. And, of course, she spent years and years in talk therapy. The pain was immobilizing. Her thoughts were excruciating, intrusive and terrifying.

She made some very good improvements with Energy Medicine treatments. She felt that the EM sessions were the only thing that ever really made an impact. However, she did not find any deep and lasting relief – just fleeting moments of “ok-ness”. These moments of lightness or “ok-ness” felt to her “like a cruel tease”. She felt like she was not able to “keep the gift of healing” she would experience in those moment. She said she always had to “give the healing back.”

Then one session, as she felt one of those periods of “ok-ness” begin to fade, she asked me if I thought she was possessed by evil spirits. She could not understand why her sadistic father’s voice was still in her head. She had not seen or spoken to him in over 40 years. Why did she still suffer so after all she learned about her traumas and all she had done to heal? She said she felt haunted.

I knew that Ancient Chinese Medicine (ACM) texts spoke often about possession. I knew there were ancient protocols that treated possession. However, everything I studied from modern day acupuncture practitioners about these protocols – the vibe was that the ACM treatments for possession were thought to be simply the ancients trying to understand/describe mental illness. The protocols were largely dismissed. The thinking being that the ancients just did not have the modern diagnostic tools and/or language to discuss what they observed 5000 years ago.

This class returns to a most ancient of all point protocols called the Song of the 13 Ghost Points. The modern application of these points, using the tool of kinesiology, has become a key element in the successful management for many troubling and confusing cases. The 13 Ghost Point Protocol, combined with the Spirit Point Protocol, have become my go to techniques when I find other protocols lacking.”

This class, yes of course, there is discussion about mental health. However, I have found that Ghost Point treatments profoundly connect folks to their purpose – their most inner guides. This protocol, combined with the Spirit Points, seems to act like a hyper link to our best collective conscious and unconscious selves. It leaves clients able to hear their OWN still inner voice, above the noise of so many other influences, and deeply connects clients to the guidance of their ancestors in ways I have not seen in other modes. That is what I love most about these techniques – we gain access to our most magnanimous self, as well as merge with the depth of ancestral wisdom that we all carry in our DNA.
Dr. Sara Allen, PhD, EEMAP is a doctorate level holistic health practitioner. She has studied extensively food as medicine as well as supplemental & herbal medicine. Her specialty is a particular self brand of energy medicine– best described as a combination of ancient Chinese and East Indian modalities that are systemized via energy kinesiology.

She has been a student of Donna Eden’s since 1998. She has been an Advanced Practitioner (AP) of Eden Energy Medicine since 2001. Dr. Sara was an original founding member of the Eden Energy Medicine School in 2006. She has been a mentor to 1000’s of students over her nearly 35 years of work in the science of subtle energies.

Course Details:

Instructor: Dr. Sara Allen, PhD, EEM-AP 

Below are the handouts from the class:

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