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Money Matters

Money Matters – Full Course (6 hrs)

Energy Medicine tools for healing money issues

Most everyone you meet is frightened by money. It weakens them. It contracts them. Talking about current global money issues depletes them. They’re freaked when bills arrive. They’re freaked when they pay them. Their credit cards scare them. They’re afraid of losing a job they hate. They’re afraid of having no money in their old age. They’re afraid of others who have more money then they do. They are afraid of never having enough money. They’re afraid of money.

I love money. I love the fun it brings. I love the stuff I can buy. I love the places I can go.  I love the classes I can take. I love paying my bills. I love paying my taxes. I love meeting payroll. I love balancing my checkbook. I love counting money, spending money, saving money, giving money, receiving money… I LOVE MONEY!

Some have separated themselves from money flow because they believe it is not spiritual. Some believe that money is a low vibration. Some only experience tension and sorrow when money comes into play. They fight with spouses and siblings and parents and neighbors and, and, and, about money.

Some see poverty as noble and wealth as loathsome and soulless. Others see the poor as onerous and view the wealthy with an invidious eye.  Hoping to relieve their fear and strain, some have studied the Law of Attraction and found only discouragement. “The Secret — It works for everyone else but me”.  I hear that a lot.  I have witnessed a lot of suffering around money. People suffer terribly around money issues.

This class will ease your suffering and develop your true money consciousness. The consciousness you were meant to have, not the current consciousness that is tattered and torn from fear and lack and hurt. Working through money issues expands the personality. You will understand that mastering money results in comfort and growth and freedom and compassion and understanding. Working through one’s money issues brings us face to face with ourselves. It is the ultimate catalyst for triggering all the positive and good imaginable. Money concerns are soul’s concerns.

It thrills me to have fallen in love with money. I want you to love money too.


Course Details:

Instructor: Dr. Sara Allen, PhD, EEM-AP 

Below are the handouts from the class:

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