Using Basic Astrology to Enhance Kinesiology Balances
with Debra Hurt, EEM-AP
Monday Sept 21, 2020
10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Asheville, NC
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Birth Information
This astrology class starts with an introduction to the basics of astrology.
For some, the basics will be review. For others, this class will be an introduction.
What makes this class – Astro-K – unique among astrology classes is the “K” for kinesiology. Astro-K is the science of energy testing AND astrology combined. Learn how to energy test for balancing astrological difficulties and enhancing strengths!
Astrology, like Element Types, clearly provides insights into client challenges. Understanding who our clients are – from an astrological vantage point – greatly enriches our perceptiveness. This is true. Astrology certainly deepens our awareness. But the groovy fusion of learning to energy test aspects of an astrological chart, well, that understanding is exclusive to this class.
If you are an expert astrologer or if you have a beginners heart – this class will nurture both students.
Astro-K is a wildly cool tool for us to help others. That’s for sure. However, in this class, we will start with ourselves:
- Examining our own charts
- Uncovering our own gifts
- Discovering energy tests and corrections to our own challenges.
Each student will get a copy of his/her astrological chart to work with during the class and beyond.
We will also be working with the general challenges that everyone faces at particular times of life and how to work with them.